Jan 2025...CDPH stopped accepting same class in 2 years for NAC provider.
Dec 2024...CDPH stopped accepting IHSS for the work require.
Jan 2024...CDPH is enforcing the Title 22 requirement of signatures having Initial, name, Title on the 283a
DSDs beware.
Oct 2023...No more Fax number for CDPH. Can use Online Submission Portal.
Sept 2023...CDPH will now give you 4 CEU credit for your CPR ecard. Use copy of it for the certificate. No signature needed.
Oct 2023... Use phone call only for questions about your submitted renewal.
Sept 2023...fax renewals have stopped. Use email Submission Portal instead. Get a receipt of packet in 30 seconds.
Aug 2023..CDPH announcing it can take 30-45 days for a renewal to get back to you.
Feb 28, 2023 ends renewal waivers
Dec 2022-CDPH accepting renewals 6 months early.
IHSS is accepted for one day of work.
Jan 2022: CDPH published a new renewal form (283c)
Sept 30, 2021. Nursing homes are offering free classes for these people in exchange for 1 year service. Get hired now and get your CNA active status back without cost.
Feb 2019- a new 283a and 283c forms are out.
Jan 2019: They are being strict about you not taking the same class from the same CEU provider within 1 year.
Dec 2018: CDPH recommended labeling your envelopes "ATT: ATCS" for safety.
Nov 2018-CDPH has sent a form letter stating not to send your renewals earlier than 6 months from the expiration date.
As of 2018, some at the Department of Health are discounting classes repeated within one year by the same provider. No documentation provided on this.
The State will credit American Red Cross CPR card with 4 hours. Other cards require a NAC
# set up with the Dept of Health to include the CPR in their curriculum.
For more information please click onour "news & events" page.
We'll keep you posted on any other changes that the state department of health does as we hear about them.